I can't believe spring is here! It's already April!
I've been reading but I have not been blogging consistently. I'm planning to put more effort into blogging as well as youtube starting this month so please bear with me. I have a few exciting plans for the month of April.
Amish in April is happening for about 10 days so I'm excited for that. Mythathon is taking place for the entire month. I don't have a planned TBR for that readathon so hopefully I can find books to fit all of the prompts. I also picked out a few historical romances from my physical TBR shelf that I'm looking forward to starting.
Romance Books
I'm almost done with the Bridgertons series by Julia Quinn! I've been enjoying this series and I cannot wait to wrap it up then check out more books by this author. Her writing is just so witty and fun to me. Anyway, I am currently on book number 7 in the series. It's in His Kiss (Book #7) is Hyacinth's story. I cannot wait to read this! I'm considering buying the series in Spanish (for the language practice of course) after I finish it in English.
Speaking of series, I also plan to read Someone to Hold by Mary Balogh this month. This is book two in the Westcott series. I am trying to focus on series that I have already started before I start a new series.
This book follows Camille Westcott who has just become illegitimate. She has no title and no suitors as a result. So, she decides to leave London to discover herself and her place in the world now. Of course, she ends up finding romance with an artist in the process. I love books that feature art and artists so I'm hopeful that I will enjoy this one.
I brought a lot of books in March because it was my birthday month and that was my treat to myself. Part of that book haul included five books by Lisa Kleypas. I was not planning on buying these books but I found them at a local thrift shop and they were in good condition. I have books 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in The Ravenels series. I'm only missing books 1 and 7!
I know I said I was not going to start a new series but I have this idea: I want to make an author reading vlog. That is, a vlog where I read books by the same author as a sort of taste test of the author. Plus, I got lucky and found almost the complete series. So, I might start reading The Ravenels books with the intention of vlogging my thoughts.
Finally, there are a couple of contemporary romances that I have already started and plan to finish in April. They are Sterling (Carolina Reapers, #6) and Written in the Stars.
Carolina Reapers is a series that I have previously started. I am readying the books out of order though. Oops. Written in the Stars is a contemporary sapphic romance. I have a goal to read more sapphic books this year which is why I started listening to this audiobook.
Amish in April
The Bookish Knitter and LizziefayeLovesBooks are hosting the Amish in April readathon this month. The readathon is happening from April 9th to April 18th. They have some very nice prompts this year too! They went with a "C" theme for the prompts and I love the little prompt board.
I have a couple of books picked out for this readathon already. I known I want to listen to the audiobook A Place of Peace by Amy Clipston. This is the third book in the Kauffman Amish Bakery series. It is available on scribd. I also plan to read The Hawaiian Discovery by Wanda E. Brunstetter and Jean Brunstetter. I have a physical copy of this book.
I have a few more audiobooks saved on scribd if I manage to finish listening to A Place of Peace.
I may end up breaking my book buying ban and pick up a couple of Amish romances at a bargain outlet if I manage to finish The Hawaiian Discovery early enough. I know this store always has shelves full of Amish romances.
The fourth round of Mythathon takes place for the entire month of April. The theme for this round is Arthurian Legend. I will be joining team Nimue, the Lady of the Lake. This group's prompt is the read a book set at sea which should be easy enough to fulfill.
The book prompts are based off of King Authur and the Knights of the Round Table. There is also the optional group book: Legendborn by Tracy Deonn. This is a queer YA Fantasy with a Black main character. The group book is also available on Scribd.
So, this is not a romance genre specific readathon. It looks like you can read any genre you want to fulfill the prompts. I do not have a planned TBR for this but I do plan to read at least a few romance novels for Mythathon.
Book Clubs & Group Reads
Bibliophiles Book Club is reading the adult fantasy novel The Bone Shard Daughter for the month of April. This book sounds so interesting but I cannot find it on scribd and I'm back on my book buying ban until I get my TBR down to zero. So, I don't think I will be picking this one up. However, they also announced their group reads for May and June. I am very excited to join in those months. Who knows though. Maybe a copy of The Bone Shard Daughter will somehow find it's way into my hands in April.
The Historical Hellions have announced that they will be reading Shanna by Kathleen E. Woodiwiss for April. The live show will be on April 24th at 7PM EST. Ravished by Romance will be reading The Heiress Gets a Duke by Harper St. George in April and their live show is on the same day - April 24th!
The Rake Appreciation Society on discord is reading Texas Destiny by Lorraine Heath. This is a historical western mail order bride romance so it is a book I am very interested in reading.
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