What You Did Review

What You Did Review by Claire McGowan is a thriller with a very interesting premise that just falls short. I was hoping to like this way more than I did.

Ali's world is turned upside down when her college friend, Karen, accuses her husband, Mike, of raping her. What was supposed to be a fun gathering between old college friends, turns into devastation about the rape accusations. But did Ali's husband actual rape Karen? Does Ali believe her husband or her friend?

These questions have even more weight to them when you learn that Ali works at a woman's shelter and is an advocate for abused women. 

Naturally, you might think her first instinct might be to console her friend. But, of course, she's also confused and in disbelief that her husband could do such a thing. Actually, Ali's first thought is more along the lines of "I have to pay the bills." She then starts building up her friend as a loose woman, a slut, in order to protect her own interests. She even talks to the police about her friend this way. So, right from the beginning I disliked Ali.

It is understandable that she would be in disbelief over her husband being accused of being a rapist. But she loses all moral high ground when she doesn't even stop and criticize herself for almost immediately blaming her friend, the victim. Karen was clearly attacked. The question is who did it?

Unfortunately, the answer is pretty obvious from the beginning of the book. That isn't such a bad thing but it means that the characters have to carry the plot more. Unfortunately, none of the characters were interesting and out main girl, Ali, had no redeemable qualities.

This was just a waste of time for me and if I wasn't listening to the audiobook while I was packing, I probably would have DNF'd this book. I hated Ali from the very start and I thought she was just a grade A idiot by the end of the book. The rapist is revealed at the end and I felt like it had no impact on the story. 

Mike, Ali's husband, was unconscious throughout most of the story. I don't know if that was supposed to add suspense but it just felt like the author didn't want to develop that character. it took away from the suspense of "did he do it or no?" Ali's interactions with her daughter are also just not believable. We read that Ali cares - or should care - but it feels flat. Honestly, Ali lost all credibility from me once I realized early on that she was only looking out for her own interests.

Ultimately, What You Did was just a let down that had potential.
