Summer Fling Readathon 2020 TBR

Edit: I ended up making adjustments to my TBR board. I didn't like some of the books that I originally picked. Below is the final board and books.

Every summer, Steeped in Books hosts a romance reading challenge with a bingo board. I participated in last year's readathon and loved it. This year, she's doing things a little differently. Instead of running for three months, the readathon is only happening in August. It's not limited to romance although, all of my books will be romance books. It's also called Summer Fling this year.

Summer Fling will take place from August 1st until August 31st.

I plan to read twelve books for all twelve prompts. I am also going to attempt to read some books in Spanish (and Italian) for some of the prompts. I am trying to learn Spanish and I'm at the point where I can more or less enjoy books in Spanish. I've even started a Spanish book review blog.

I somehow managed to put together a TBR that has five books in English, five books in Spanish and two books in Italian. I will be so happy if I can complete this entire prompt board.

Let's go through the prompts!

Down Home Country: Amor en Wyoming by Tess Curtis. Logan Collins, a rancher living in Wyoming, is looking for a wife after his girlfriend left him and Madison is looking to leave Los Angeles for some place different. This book is on Kindle Unlimited (KU).

Big City Life: Amore Condiviso by Sara Kent. This book is free right now and it is also on KU. This is one of those billionaire romances so it counts for the bit city life prompt.

Author of Color: Marriage by Arrangement by Sophia Singh Sasson. I love that Harlequin has been working with more diverse authors lately. And I believe this author was born in India as well. I will also be reading this for the Read-India-Thon later this month.

Hot & Spicy: Until Forever: A Passionate Tale of Hatred, Revenge & Love by M.V. Kasi. This is another KU book. It sounds spicy and a little dark so hopefully it fulfills the prompt. The characters are Indian and I believe the author is also Indian. I will also try to read this during Read-India-Thon.

Dark & Dangerous: What Your Did by Claire McGowan. This book is avalible on KU and has mixed reviews. The author has another book that I want to read on my wish list so I thought I would give this a try. The story sounds interesting: How would you react if your friend accused your husband of raping her?

Sweet & Clean: Pasión en la India by Nicola Marsh is another KU book from Harlequin's Jazmín line. This is a clean romance category romance in Spanish. The author is not India but it takes place in India so you can probably guess that I'm going to try to read this for Read-India-Thon too.

Road Trip: Il Leone di Roma. I know most people are looking at contemporary romances for this prompt but I'm making this on fit. The two characters are part of an arranged marriage and end up traveling to Egypt together.

Friends to Lovers: To Sir Philip with Love by Julia Quinn has been on my TBR for months so I'm making this work for August. My thought process is that they've become friends through their letters to each other so... it works, no?

Diversity: The Spaniard's Innocent Maiden by Greta Gilbert is a Harlequin historical romance that I got a used copy of this year. I'm looking for more romances that may have a more "pagan" feel or that take place in the ancient world so I wanted to pick this one up and give it a try. You also don't usually see a romance that takes place in Mexico during the Spanish conquest in the 1500's. This could be done well or really badly.

Disability Rep.: The Bride Test by Helen Hoang. I've been meaning to listen to this sequel for a while now. The male lead character is on the autism spectrum and the author is as well so it's own voices too.

Old School Historical: At Last Comes Love by Mary Balogh. I don't own any very old historical romances and I'm not buying any new books now. I just did a book order and have a smaller one planned for August 1st when Jayci Lee's new book comes out. So, instead I went through the historical romances I already own and found the oldest one from that pile.

Category Romance: La prisionera del jeque by Tara Pammi. This is the Spanish version of the book and it is part of Harlequin's Bianca category. Also, the author is Indian-American so, of course, I'm going to try to read this for Read-India-Thon. I believe the country is made-up though.
